Aluminium Apple keyboard with Linux

Or, specifically, X; I haven’t tried to make this work outwith X yet. But I did create a ~/.Xmodmap file to map the key bindings of my Apple keyboard to a more normal PC layout so I can continue to touchtype with ease. Note that I move around some of the punctuation, so if you look at the keyboard to type these xmodmap calls will confuse you!

This is based on the excellent information held within the Ubuntu documentation.

My ~/.Xmodmap now contains the following:

keycode 11 = 2 quotedbl keycode 12 = 3 sterling EuroSign keycode 48 = apostrophe at keycode 49 = backslash bar keycode 51 = numbersign asciitilde

! bind Caps Lock key as an additional Control keycode 66 = Control_L ! Bind Apple’s “Clear” key to be NumLock keycode 77 = Num_Lock

! This is the key directly beneath escape keycode 94 = grave notsign brokenbar

! Map the fn key to Insert keycode 118 = Insert

! Alt and AltGr keycode 133 = Meta_L keycode 134 = Mode_switch

! F13: Insert key; F14: PrintScr; F15: ScrollLock; F16: Pause/Break. keycode 191 = Insert keycode 192 = Print Sys_Req keycode 193 = Scroll_Lock keycode 194 = Pause Break keycode 195 = XF86AudioMute keycode 196 = XF86AudioPrev keycode 197 = XF86AudioNext

! Finalise modifiers and control statuses clear Shift clear Lock clear Control clear Mod1 clear Mod2 clear Mod3 clear Mod4 clear Mod5 add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R add Lock = Caps_Lock add Control = Control_L Control_R add Mod1 = Alt_L 0x007D add Mod2 = Num_Lock add Mod4 = Super_L Super_R add Mod5 = Mode_switch ISO_Level3_Shift ISO_Level3_Shift ISO_Level3_Shift


Posted by Stephen Strowes on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010. You can follow me on twitter.

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